Sunday, April 25, 2010

Unschooling week in review.....

Started the week out attending Girls group on Monday. Lex chose to stay home, with Wilks, as she was totally and joyfully engrossed in her new Wii My Sims Agents game. She completed the game just a few days latter! Wilks, Liv or I was by her side, to assist with the heavy reading.

Lex's tries on a rock and roll persona

We went to VLM to check out the Charles Harper exhibit.

Checked out a totally Green house!

Had a ball at Shirley Plantation, the oldest in VA. They had a home school day with several special activities set-up. We met up with great friends and everyone enjoyed being outside on a gorgeous Earth day. They loved writing with slate pens and quill feathers.

Bess Bess in pure bliss!

Liv went on a sleep over on Thurs. Lex and I went on breakfast date Fri morning...she decided to have a syrup tasting and we had a bit of silly fun.

We finally got the supplies we needed to make some more ooblek.

Em stayed with us over the weekend and on Sat she joined us for our UU Earth day clean-up...the girls worked really hard and it was quite impressive for them to see how much trash we all collectively picked-up...... 33 bags in total! We had a nice lunch and enjoyed great music and spirit dancing and story telling afterward. The girls also each made really cool dream catchers and helped decorate some sun catcher discs with inspirational words and art for our planet.
Our neighbors HS'd grandchildren where also visiting for the lots of kids and lots of outdoor play, spy games with walkie talkies, bike riding, head lights for nighttime back yard adventures . The girls plus Em spent a good part of today making their own version of a Ke$ha music video...they even gave me a small part =). Wilks worked 4 days this past was really weird not having him around that much.

The girls have discovered Jim Henson's The Storytellers series and Growing Up Creepie on Nexflix streaming. We also started watching a few of the Liberty Kids episodes thru the stream. We are all (Wilks too) now hooked on Ugly Betty and are about half way thru season 1. Liv is reading the Twilight book and the girls and I are currently all listening to Saffy's Angel

Rare photo of Liv using the Wii this Lex was on a mission!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

46 years on this planet!

This past week held my birthday..Wed April 14th. Seems like a lot of years that went by, way to quickly...I fretted over the number (inching closer to 50) but then I slowed and really looked at what I have gained in all the humbled me and filled me with a joyful peace. I hope I have at least 46 more to experience all the wonder life has to offer.

Some of this past weeks' joys:
Riding buses with these cuties!

Making and then uncontrollably cracking-up over our self-portraits, after just spending a hour on a very dignified Art Detective tour at the Dewitt Wallace Museum at CW

Getting to ride around in a brandy new Santa Fey for a few days...girls thought it was so cool that it had a port for an I Pod. Happy to report the Subby Dubby is all fixed minus the squealing noise that it had prior to the crash. We love our's taken us across the country and on many a great adventured .

A great birthday lunch at Fudruckers with my favorite peeps;

watching Liv enjoy fries with a some milk shake on top.
Discovering a wonderful unexpected garden, while on a tedious errand...

Gaining a new appreciation for balloon sharpie art =)

My new lemon tree....ok not quite a tree,or a bush at this point....but I have high hopes =D
Very hot days sandwiched between very cool ones.

Our azaleas blooming

My Sims Agents game on Ds and for the Wii

Watching our garden take shape:
Dreaming of scrumptious strawberries

Having fun with great friends at BG

The ability to now stream Netflix thru our Wii absolutely tickled me this week. Having Wilks make my birthday so special and watching him smile as he headed out to work...if only for a few days was marvelous...sitting here typing while my gang sits on the couch right next to me, sharing belly laughs together over Sunday nite Fox shows, just priceless. And of course..........
being privileged to parent kids that are so cool...they gotta wear shades!!!My life is full of joy...and happiness is the state I live in!